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Adding failsafe foods or foods suitable for the low chemical elimination diet over time in pictures.


This page will be updated as food ingredients change all the time which means one day a product is failsafe and the next day-it is not.


Even through you have your regular foods you buy- always check the ingredient list!

White fleshed potatoes are low in salicylates

POTATOES (white fleshed): ALDI

It is super hard to find white fleshed potatoes but these Kestrel potatoes are white fleshed and you can consistently get themat ALDIs- and sometimes at Woolworths.

Casalare rice crumbs are gluten free and additive free


Great gluten free crumb that is 100% rice- so very clean. No additives or added salicylates that you find in other crumb mixtures.


Need to go to a speciality health store to chase them down but well worth it!


Gluten free, dairy Free, Soy Free, Additive free, low FODMAP

Simply 7 lenti chips (plain) are low in food chemicals- salicylates and food additives


Great clean snack that is low in food chemicals and additives. Easy to find in the health section in major Supermarkets in Australia.


Gluten free Dairy free, soy free

Legumes- so high in FODMAPs


May not tolerate if needing refined carbohydrates

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