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Low FODMAP: quick results

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

One of the best things about the Low FODMAP diet is that it can work fast, as long as the high FODMAP foods are properly swapped out. A week or even only 3-4 days can often see great improvements, if you are FODMAP sensitive.

What usually lengthens the time to attain maximal results is that it can be hard to identify all the significant FODMAP sources, and without expert advice, implementation of the diet is often way more difficult than it should be.

Finding suitable recipes that are Low FODMAP, beyond that provided by Monash University, can be challenging as many recipes may not be up to date due to the increased rate of FODMAP testing and updates on foods and their FODMAP status over recent years.

Implementing the FODMAP diet does not need to be overly difficult if you have the tools you need to get it happening, and not restrict more than you need to.

For example:

  • You don't need to be gluten-free for the FODMAP diet- wheat can be included in a low FODMAP form, although some GF products can be useful due to a lack of Low FODMAP wheat alternatives

  • Not all GF products are low FODMAP: a good guide will direct you to useful choices

  • Not all the FODMAPs sub-groups need to be excluded: for example, lactose may or may not be an issue so a decision can be made whether to include or exclude

  • You don't need to be on the diet for 6 weeks, and certainly forever- best not to. Once you get past 2 weeks of reduced FODMAPs and improved symptoms- you are challenge ready. Believe you me- this step 2 of the diet is a lot of fun, and surprising!

So many more hacks that, when understood, can make the diet much more friendlier.

Speed up the diet by getting expert information and support to ease implementation:

  • Tag the high FODMAP foods and drinks to swap out

  • Swap in lower FODMAP drinks and foods

  • Identify favourite foods you don't have to think about (no upper limits)

  • Flag low FODMAP foods you need to be mindful of (upper limits)

  • 3 hour gap strategy applied to foods such as fruit and Low FODMAP wheat bread

  • For constipation dominant IBS: a laser focus on enhancing fibre intake as part of the initial process

  • Recipes to choose and inspire

  • Individual food issues that need to be included in addition to low FODMAPs

A personalised diet approach based on this information gives you the diet hand rails for much easier implementation.

If there are co-existing food issues that are not initially obvious, lowering the FODMAPs can often help these other food intolerances become apparent, and a well trained eye can help isolate potential triggers.

If it is worth doing: do it well, do it once, and maximise results sooner.



Frances Walker

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